Category Archives: Product

The Economic Benefits of Dust Monitoring Equipment

In the dynamic world of industrial operations, businesses with extensive experience recognise the pivotal role of technology in maintaining efficiency, compliance, and sustainability. An integral investment for seasoned industries is dust monitoring equipment. In this article, we delve into the strategies and methodologies to maximise the return on investment (ROI) from dust monitoring solutions, offering tailored insights for businesses with a long operational history.

Understanding the Initial Investment

In any investment, clarity is critical. For businesses based in Australia, venturing into dust monitoring equipment begins with understanding the initial costs. This includes acquiring dust monitoring equipment in Australia, installation expenses, and personnel training. Businesses with a rich history must carefully select equipment that aligns precisely with their operational nuances, ensuring optimal utilisation and longevity.

Quantifying Operational Efficiency Gains

One of the direct and measurable benefits of dust monitoring is improved operational efficiency. Businesses can enjoy substantial economic gains by preventing equipment breakdowns and minimising downtime. Proactive maintenance, guided by real-time data from dust monitoring solutions, extends machinery lifespan and enhances overall operational resilience.

Regulatory Compliance and Cost Avoidance

Compliance with dust control regulations is a legal obligation and a financial consideration. Dust monitoring equipment provides accurate data, allowing businesses to proactively address compliance issues. This proactive stance not only helps avoid fines and penalties but also fosters a culture of regulatory diligence, preventing potentially costly legal ramifications.

Health and Safety Benefits

The economic impact of a healthier and safer workforce cannot be overstated. Reduced medical expenses, lower insurance premiums, and minimised litigation costs all contribute to substantial financial benefits. Furthermore, the positive correlation between employee well-being and increased productivity translates into a direct economic advantage for businesses with decades of experience.

Environmental and Social Responsibility

Aligning with sustainable practices is not just about ethics; it’s a strategic economic move. Businesses can enhance their corporate reputation, potentially attracting environmentally conscious clients or investors. Leveraging a commitment to environmental responsibility for marketing and brand enhancement can lead to increased market share, further boosting economic success. Similar to dust monitoring equipment, you can also consider water and noise monitoring equipment to fulfil your social and environmental responsibility in a holistic and wholesome manner. 

Long-Term Cost Analysis

Looking beyond immediate gains, a comprehensive analysis of long-term cost savings reveals the true value of dust monitoring investments. Reduced maintenance costs, extended equipment life, and minimised environmental impact all contribute to sustained economic benefits. This holistic perspective is crucial for businesses with a long-term vision.


In conclusion, businesses with decades of experience can elevate their economic performance through strategic dust-monitoring equipment investments. These businesses can maximise their ROI by understanding and quantifying the various benefits, from operational efficiency gains to regulatory compliance. In doing so, they ensure financial success and position themselves as industry leaders committed to profitability and environmental responsibility. The strategic integration of dust monitoring technology emerges as an investment and a cornerstone for the sustainable growth and resilience of established industries.

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Importance of Ground Vibration Monitoring Equipment for Construction Sites

While crucial for urban development and infrastructure improvement, construction projects can have various environmental impacts, including ground vibrations. These vibrations, often caused by heavy machinery and construction activities, affect nearby structures and ecosystems. They also compromise human comfort. Using ground vibration monitoring equipment on construction sites is paramount to mitigate potential risks and adhere to regulatory standards.

1. Structural Integrity Assessment

Ground vibrations from construction activities can threaten nearby structures, particularly those with sensitive foundations or older buildings. Monitoring equipment allows construction professionals to continuously assess vibrations’ impact on adjacent structures. This real-time data enables them to adjust construction methods or take corrective actions to prevent potential damage.

2. Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Many regions have established regulatory standards and limits for ground vibrations generated by construction activities. For example, many construction companies use dust monitoring equipment in Australia to adhere to these standards and demonstrate compliance. Regular monitoring and reporting contribute to a transparent construction process, minimising the risk of regulatory violations and associated penalties.

3. Occupational Health and Safety

Excessive ground vibrations pose risks to the health and safety of construction workers on-site. Monitoring equipment provides real-time data on vibration levels, allowing for the implementation of safety protocols and the timely evacuation of workers if necessary. Prioritising the well-being of on-site personnel is a key aspect of responsible construction management.

4. Early Detection of Issues

Ground vibration monitoring equipment helps detect issues related to construction activities early. If unexpected or excessive vibrations are detected, construction teams can promptly investigate the cause and implement corrective measures before significant damage occurs. This proactive approach prevents delays and costly repairs.

5. Environmental Impact Assessment

Construction projects often take place in or near environmentally sensitive areas. Ground vibration monitoring equipment is essential for assessing the potential impact of construction-related vibrations on nearby ecosystems, including wildlife habitats and water bodies. This information enables construction teams to implement compliance measures to minimise environmental disruption.

6. Community Relations and Public Perception

Construction activities can impact the quality of life of nearby residents. By using monitoring equipment to manage and minimise ground vibrations, construction companies contribute to positive community relations. Open communication about monitoring efforts can also enhance public perception by demonstrating a commitment to responsible construction practices.

7. Risk Mitigation for Sensitive Equipment

In specific industries, such as manufacturing or research, nearby ground vibrations can harm sensitive equipment. Ground vibration monitoring equipment allows businesses to anticipate potential disruptions and implement protective measures to ensure the continued functionality of sensitive machinery.


Ground vibration monitoring equipment is a vital tool for construction sites. It offers multiple benefits beyond mere compliance with regulations. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the structural integrity of nearby buildings, protecting the environment, enhancing occupational health and safety, and fostering positive community relations. 

As construction projects become increasingly complex and scrutiny over their environmental impact rises, adopting ground vibration monitoring equipment is necessary for responsible construction management.

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Dust Monitoring on Construction Site: Best Practices

Construction sites are dynamic environments where various activities can generate dust, posing potential risks to the environment and workers’ health. Implementing effective dust monitoring practices is crucial to mitigate these risks and ensure a safe working environment. This article focuses on best practices for dust monitoring, particularly on utilising dust monitoring equipment.

1. Conducting Site-Specific Risk Assessments

Conduct a site-specific risk assessment before implementing dust monitoring measures to identify potential dust sources and evaluate their impact on the surroundings. Consider factors such as wind direction, nearby sensitive receptors (residential areas, schools, etc.), and construction activities.

2. Selection of Appropriate Dust Monitoring Equipment

Choose dust monitoring equipment that aligns with the specific needs of the construction site. Commonly used devices include real-time particulate monitors, dust samplers, and gravimetric samplers. The selection should consider the size fraction of particles to be monitored, the duration of monitoring, and the required level of accuracy. You can also go for dust monitoring equipment rental to save costs and get efficient results.

3. Continuous Real-Time Monitoring

Implement continuous real-time dust monitoring, especially in high dust generation potential areas. Real-time particulate monitors provide immediate feedback, allowing for prompt intervention if dust levels exceed established limits. This proactive approach enhances on-site safety and ensures timely implementation of control measures.

4. Establishing Baseline Measurements

Before construction activities commence, establish baseline measurements of ambient dust levels. These measurements serve as a reference point for ongoing monitoring, enabling the identification of any significant increases in dust concentrations. Baseline data is valuable for assessing the effectiveness of dust control measures over time.

5. Strategic Placement of Monitoring Equipment

Position dust monitoring equipment strategically across the construction site to capture variations in dust concentrations. Consider placing monitors near dust-generating activities, downwind of potential sources, and at locations representing sensitive receptors. This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of dust dispersion patterns. If you have other monitoring equipment on site, like water or noise monitoring equipment, place them at an adequate distance to prevent any issues.

6. Regular Calibration and Maintenance

Ensure regular calibration and maintenance of dust monitoring equipment to guarantee accurate and reliable measurements. Calibrated instruments provide trustworthy data, allowing for informed decision-making regarding implementing control measures. Regular maintenance minimises the risk of equipment malfunctions.

7. Integration with Weather Monitoring

Integrate dust monitoring with weather monitoring to account for meteorological factors influencing dust dispersion. Wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability significantly impact the transport and deposition of airborne dust. Combining dust and weather data enhances the accuracy of risk assessments and control measures.

8. Establishing Trigger Levels and Action Plans

Set trigger levels for dust concentrations based on regulatory standards and health guidelines. Establish clear action plans specifying the steps to be taken if dust levels exceed these triggers. Immediate responses may include adjusting construction practices, implementing additional control measures, or halting specific activities.

9. Communication and Training

Ensure effective communication of dust monitoring results to all relevant stakeholders, including workers, supervisors, and management. Provide training on the importance of dust monitoring, the potential health risks associated with exposure, and the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

10. Periodic Review and Adjustment

Periodically review dust monitoring data and assess the effectiveness of implemented control measures. If necessary, adjust strategies to address emerging challenges or changing site conditions. Continuous improvement based on monitoring results is essential for maintaining a proactive approach to dust management.


By incorporating these best practices into dust monitoring efforts on construction sites, project stakeholders can effectively manage and mitigate the impact of dust emissions. Utilising advanced dust monitoring equipment, combined with proactive measures, ensures a safer working environment, reduces environmental impact, and contributes to overall regulatory compliance.

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Noise Monitoring for Construction Site: Best Practices

Construction sites are always filled with various activities and operations regarding machines running for a long time, high manpower footfall, and other processes that lead to noise and vibrations throughout the day. Such noises can be a concern for local residents and other businesses in the vicinity and may be a significant factor in environmental degradation. Therefore, construction companies, mining companies and contractors must adhere to many local and environmental regulations regarding permitted noise levels to comply with norms. In this blog, we shall explore the best practices businesses can adopt to deal with noise monitoring effectively. 

Identifying Noise-Sensitive Areas and Noise Sources

The first and primary step towards noise monitoring is identifying the specific noise-sensitive areas in and around your business locations. To monitor noise effectively, you need first to understand your target regions. Noise sensitivity can be high for neighbouring schools, hospitals and residential areas. Therefore, businesses with such institutions in their locality must prioritise noise monitoring to maintain the desired decibels of noise and prevent any harm to nearby occupants. You must also identify all the noise sources in your construction location and the ones that cause the most irritation. This can be quickly done using sophisticated and reliable noise monitoring devices, which you can buy or hire from trusted agencies. 

Set Adequate Noise Limits

Certain operational activities within businesses inherently generate noise as an integral part of their processes. Still, on the other hand, some local regulations and norms dictate a specific decibel of permitted noise. Therefore, balancing your business’s productivity and responsibility towards the environment and surroundings is crucial. To do so, set a target limit of noise based on the measures drawn through noise monitoring equipment. You can keep track of your noise limits through consistent monitoring and adhere to guidelines effectively. Many regulations have different day-time limits and night-time limits. Therefore, businesses use noise monitoring devices in phases to understand how much noise they produce to counter or reduce it effectively when needed. 

Consistent Calibration and Maintenance of Equipment

Most businesses rely on modern technological solutions such as noise monitoring devices to review their noise production on-site effectively. These machines must be calibrated and maintained regularly to prevent reading errors. To receive accurate and reliable data, businesses must regularly calibrate and maintain their monitoring devices and invest in high-quality equipment designed specifically for their needs. 

Training Employees 

Many businesses conduct regular sessions to train their workforce and employees on the importance of noise management for construction sites and make them aware of the best practices that can be adopted in an individual capacity to limit noise to a desired level. Workers must also be trained on the proper ways to use a noise monitoring device for successful mitigation. 


Effective noise monitoring is crucial for businesses attempting to adhere to their responsibilities towards the environment and surroundings. By utilising top-quality equipment and adopting the above-mentioned best practices, businesses can avoid conflict and run their operation without interruptions.

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Expert Tips on Choosing the Right Water Quality Monitoring Equipment

In the realm of environmental regulations, the precision and reliability of water quality monitoring equipment for businesses are paramount. Selecting the most appropriate equipment amidst various technological advancements and specifications can be daunting. This article delves into expert tips that seasoned professionals and engineering consultants should consider to ensure the selection of optimal water quality monitoring solutions that cater to the complexities of their projects.

1. Understand the Specific Monitoring Needs

Before delving into the myriad options available in the market, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your project’s specific needs. This includes determining the parameters you need to monitor (e.g., pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature), the frequency of data collection, and the environmental conditions (e.g., freshwater, saltwater, industrial effluent). A detailed assessment of these factors will guide you in narrowing down your choices to the equipment that best fits your project requirements.

2. Prioritise Accuracy and Reliability

For businesses with extensive experience, it’s well-known that the accuracy and reliability of data are non-negotiable. The water quality monitoring equipment chosen must provide precise readings and be resilient enough to maintain consistency over time despite the environmental conditions to which it is exposed. It’s advisable to look for equipment with a proven track record backed by robust calibration protocols and quality assurance processes. Additionally, consider the equipment’s sensitivity to changes in environmental parameters and its ability to maintain accuracy over a wide range of conditions.

3. Multi-Parameter Monitoring

Efficiency is paramount in water monitoring, and multi-parameter monitoring becomes a cornerstone for seasoned engineers. The ability to simultaneously measure various water quality indicators with a single device streamlines the monitoring process. This not only reduces the number of devices needed but also provides a comprehensive overview of the water conditions, aligning with the holistic and efficient approach favoured by experienced professionals.

4. Assess Technical Support and Warranty Services

The complexity of water quality monitoring equipment necessitates reliable technical support. Manufacturers that offer comprehensive technical support, training, and warranty services should be prioritised. This not only ensures that any issues can be promptly addressed but also facilitates the continuous education of your team on the latest operational techniques and advancements in monitoring technology through other equipment like noise monitoring devices and dust monitoring devices.

5. Consider the Equipment’s Durability and Maintenance Needs

Given the often harsh and unpredictable environments in which water monitoring equipment operates, durability is a key consideration. Equipment constructed with high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials can withstand adverse conditions, ensuring longevity and reducing the need for frequent replacements. Furthermore, consider the maintenance requirements of the equipment. Opt for easy-to-clean, calibrate, and repair designs, which will minimise downtime and operational costs.


Choosing the right water monitoring equipment is a critical decision that requires a thorough understanding of your project’s needs, prioritising accuracy and reliability, an evaluation of data management capabilities, and considering the equipment’s durability and maintenance needs. By adhering to these expert tips, businesses with substantial experience can make informed decisions that will enhance the effectiveness of their water monitoring projects, ensuring environmental compliance and contributing to the sustainable management of water resources. The selection process, while complex, is a crucial step in the engineering project lifecycle, underscoring the importance of meticulous evaluation and strategic planning.

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Benefits of Noise and Dust Monitoring in Construction Sites

Labour law and employment regulations are crucial to maintaining a conflict-free operation, especially in the construction business. These businesses must also comply with the environmental regulations to avoid legal issues. These legal matters take a lot of time and money to resolve. Therefore, it’s always better to address these issues with advanced technology and develop a suitable environment for your employees. Here is why you should consider noise and dust monitoring equipment in Australia;

Regulatory Compliance

Construction businesses are continually evolving and dynamic; therefore, the legislation and regulations around them are constantly changing to maintain workers’ occupational safety and health. Therefore, installing proper dust and noise monitoring equipment can ease the process of compliance with regional and national regulations, which set limits on the unit of noise and dust levels. A constant check on these levels can help you take faster, actionable steps to prevent costly legal battles and save money and resources.

Manage Health and Safety

Occupational risks and hazards are common in complex, labour-intensive businesses like construction. Elongated exposure to noise and dust can lead to auditory issues, respiratory damage, bronchitis and other health complications. Surveying the levels of dust and noise can help prevent these occupational health concerns, as the onus of maintaining a safe workplace falls on the business owner. Early action will deter long-term effects and protect employees and other people near the construction site.

Enhance Efficiency and Productivity

Noise at extremely high levels can cause disturbances in the workplace and lead to disturbed communication and misunderstandings. It can hamper concentration and attention span and decrease efficiency and production. Companies can create a convenient and comfortable environment for their staff by efficiently using dust and noise monitoring systems and gaining an amicable relationship with the team.

Protect Your Resources

Elevated noise levels can sometimes break or create cracks in raw materials like glass, reducing their utility. Dust can also pollute water used for construction and lead to other environmental issues. A proper dust and noise monitoring system can avoid these problems and maintain a clean environment for everyone. Even at times, residents nearby may also raise complaints due to noise and pollution, leading to unnecessary skirmishes. Therefore, it’s always better to have preventions in place.

Data-Oriented Pragmatic Approach

Dust and noise monitoring systems are used to get data and statistics on levels of emissions by using modern computational methods. These allow businesses to analyse the data and take early action to tackle issues effectively with evidence-backed research. It helps companies to employ proactive measures to reduce cost, litigation and time.


While running a business creates a responsibility towards growing and expanding it, it creates an added branch of responsibility towards their employee and staff. Modern monitoring systems can help them do their duty towards their employees meticulously without leaving any stone unturned to mitigate impending risks. Protect your business from hefty and time-consuming litigation costs and lead peaceful, obstacle-free operations with monitoring systems. Avail them now and create a workplace built with trust and comfort.


Sound Level Meter Australia

Noise control is an integral aspect of any workplace where loud machinery is  used, such as in the mining and construction industries. That’s because being exposed to loud sounds and vibrations for long periods of time can cause serious health risks to hearing,

  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Temporary & Permanent Hearing Loss
  • Annoyance – Ambient Intrusive

To ensure your workers are not subject to sounds that are above safety standards and can cause hearing problems, you need to monitor and survey the noise levels in your environment. This is easily done by simply using the Sound Level Meter & Analysers Australia at Belcur. We have a large range of instruments available which are tailored to suit different monitoring needs and requirements.

We also supply and hire a customised range of noise loggers, both manned and unmanned, to meet Compliance Noise Environmental requirements.

Sound Level Meters Australia: Accurate Measurement Of Decibels

Sound is a very important indicator of the health of your workforce. The best way to get a precise measurement of the decibel of a certain sound is to get a sound level meter. A sound level meter will account for all the variables that can affect the outcome of your measurement. For this, Belcur is offering Sound Level Meter & Analysers. We have a large range of test equipment available for different monitoring needs and requirements.

We offer a complete range of sound level calibration services. Sound level calibration is a critical element for a successful noise control program. Sound meters are very intuitive flow meters tools that have a vast range of applications. They can measure sound during construction to ensure all machinery meets safety regulations, or they can measure noise pollution in the local area to ensure all businesses are compliant with regulations. Whatever the application, sound meters are useful tools that are smart for any business to have.

Areas Where We Use Sound Level Meters

Digital sound level meters are the devices that measure how loud sounds are. They are used to measure the intensity of sound or noise pollution in different places. For example, they could be used on planes, factories, concert halls, railway lines, warehouses, and roads to check whether too much noise is emitted by machinery, vehicles, etc.

Sound Level Meters for Trade and Industries

You may not realize it, but a compact digital sound level meter is an indispensable tool in the world of business. For a lot of companies, noise control is essential for productivity and even workers’ health. There are countless businesses out there using equipment that create excessive amounts of noise regularly throughout non-stop shifts. Inadequately controlling sound can be detrimental to any industry, trade or office working environment.

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Noise Loggers – Noise Monitoring Equipments Australia

Belcur have a wide range of Environmental Noise Loggers
Standard Noise Loggers – Logs Lmax, Leq, L1 – L99
Noise Loggers with Audio recording
Noise Loggers – Logs all parameters in 1/3
SoundWeb – Remote Interrogation Noise Monitoring
system via the web. Noise data, audio, reports, SMS

Now you can hire noise monitoring equipment from Belcur Monitoring Solutions at a reasonable price. Belcur Monitoring Solutions is one of the leading providers of monitoring equipment for various industrial applications. The offered equipment help supervisors to keep a check on the noise levels and make sure that the set standards are not being breached.

Standard Noise Loggers

Belcur Monitoring Solutions offers noise loggers that can be easily installed anywhere for recording noise at the sites. After recording, it then sends the recorded noise in real-time over to the monitoring equipment for further processing. This advanced equipment can be installed on a temporary or permanent basis. At Belcur Monitoring Solutions, we understand the significance of precision when it comes to noise monitoring as well as keeping the noise levels under control; therefore, we tend to offer industry-grade equipment for ensuring high accuracy.

Noise Loggers with Audio Recording

Belcur is one of the trusted rentals in Australia providing sound level meters for hire to meet compliance requirements across diverse applications in construction and industrial environments. These handheld devices are easy to carry around worksites and can be set up where accurate acoustic monitoring is needed fast.

Besides noise and vibration monitoring equipment, we also provide dust monitoring equipment for hire, and in order to keep a check on water bodies around your industrial or construction setup, you can hire water monitoring equipment.

Belcur Monitoring Solutions has been in the industry for quite a long time, and we are widely acclaimed for offering quality equipment at the prices that are affordable for one and all.

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Dust & Air Monitoring Equipment Hire Australia

Dust and Particle Environmental Monitoring Solutions

We can supply both Manual and fully remote monitoring

systems to suit any application of job site dust management and control.

TSI DustTrak, DRX, & the New EDT monitoring systems

simultaneously monitors: Total, PM10, PM 2.5, PM1 density

The Newly released EDT-DRX Remote Access system is especially

designed to monitor the most hostile location and environment.

2 Years Warranty on TSI systems

  • 8530 Tripod System
  • 8530 Tripod Systems with SMS Solar & Remote
  • 8533 Fixed System with Solar & SMS
  • 8533 Tripod System with SMS
  • EDT –DRX

Belcur Monitoring Solutions provides not only vibration monitoring but industry-grade monitoring dust equipment for hire in Australia. Dust particles of different densities, including PM10, PM 2.5, and PM1 can be monitored using this advanced equipment on offer.

Dust Monitor for Air Quality Monitoring

Dust is one of the most common and harmful air pollutants. We make air quality monitoring easier and more efficient with our dust monitor. Our dust monitoring solutions can accommodate any job site. We will ensure safety with our high-end air quality monitoring equipment.

Dust monitors also known as aerosol monitors are used in many industries, including manufacturing, electrical, plastics, pharmaceutical, mining, and construction. Dust monitor is crucial for ensuring that work environments are safe for employees. Here are five reasons why dust monitors are used. First, a dust monitor is necessary for air quality monitoring and checking in real-time dust. Second, air quality monitoring through dust monitoring stations helps prevent harmful dust particles in the air outside buildings. Third, dust monitor help to prevent potential dangers to worker’s health. Fourth, a dust monitor provides proof of compliance with health and safety regulations. And fifth, a dust monitor provides proof of compliance in building management.

The best thing about our air monitoring equipment in Australia is that it allows manual and remote monitoring operations. One can opt for any of these options according to the situation and need. The remotely operated dust monitoring station is ideal for locations where manual monitoring is not feasible due to unfavorable conditions.

Dust monitoring stations are highly recommended for construction and mining businesses and emissions monitoring and gas detection. Offered TSI DustTrak, DRX, & the New EDT monitoring systems are available for hire at affordable prices; thus, it doesn’t take much of your investment to be a little considerate of the environment. You can hire them for a one-off job or can purchase them for regular use –whichever way suits your needs the best.

The dust deposition gauge, or PDG, is a tool used in the construction and mining industries. It’s usually used to determine the number of real time dust particles in the air surrounding a project and can give a fair amount of insight into the overall cleanliness of the air. Real-time dust monitor system comes with a tripod that facilitates its installation on uneven surfaces and ensures stability. Available in a compact size, it is easy to transport and store.

Manual and Remote Air Monitoring Equipment in Australia

We have different types of air monitoring equipment available in Australia, depending on the needs and preferences of the users and the site. We have manual and fully remote monitoring systems. Our excellent air monitoring solutions will ensure the safety and reliability of your site.

Hire Dust and Air Monitoring Equipment

Save money, time, and space by hiring dust and air monitoring equipment from Belcur. We have a cost-effective and convenient option for users who need temporary, short-term, or occasional monitoring solutions. We will also offer technical assistance, advice, and guidance with our expertise and experience.

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